The Resourcery acts as an additional ‘resource’ for your business, helping you to market, advertise and promote your services whilst building strong and fruitful links within the local business community.
We offer event management, helping you to run a smooth and organised event for all occasions. Whether it’s to meet and greet fellow professionals, or showcase your skills and services to existing and prospective customers – we’re happy to make the arrangements and take care of the details.
Through our established business networking breakfasts, you can develop and strengthen relationships with other local businesses and individuals. At Dorvil, our successful monthly meet-up group you will enjoy a sumptuous English Breakfast at the well-located George Albert Hotel whilst getting to know other local professionals. Visit here for more information and to book online.
We also enjoy running workshops for businesses and individuals on key topics to refresh skills and understanding in developing areas and trends. Information on topics and dates to follow soon.
Alternatively, if you would like to deliver a workshop in your area of expertise, please feel free to get in touch and discuss.